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- The current way of leading is not working.And some of us(that includes you)are ready to disrupt the status quoJoin global influencers on journey like no other.It is time. To. Disurpt leadership. It is time for leaderSHIFT
- THEME & TRENDSOF THE LEADERSHIFTPODCASTInnovation. Strategy.Big pictureThe landscape has changed and to understand it we need new filters and frameworks for the VUCA worldSocial leadersSocial c-suiteSocial worldIt is social. Not just media.Helping leaders graspthe potential ofthe social eraAmplify yourinfluenceIn the age of networksYour title is less important thanwho you can influence and how.Reinventingcareers.Meaningful workTime to craft and lead our careers in a manner that enables ourhighest potentialCourage as a leaderTo lead is to show the path.Self leadership strategiesfor the pioneers, risk takersand those who willchange the world
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- THE LEADERSHIFT SERIESWITH GLOBAL INFLUENCERSMORE EXPERTS BEING ADDEDSeth GodinProvocatuer and architect of changeNY Times Best selling author, speaker and a leading thinker of our time."If Seth Godin did not exist, we would have to invent him ! That is how indispensible he is"'Alan Webber,Founder, Fast companyDaniel PinkTop 15 business thinkers in the world, NY times and WSJ best selling authorAuthor of five provocative books — including three long-running New York Timesbestsellers, A Whole New Mind, Drive, and To Sell is Human. Dan’s books have been translated into 34 languages and have sold more than 2 million copies worldwide. He is also host and co-executive producer of “Crowd Control,” a new television series about human behavior on the National Geographic Channel.Frans JohannsonInnovation evangelist,Unconventional thinker,International best selling author, CEO of the Medici Group.""The Medici effect is one of the most insightful books on innovation I have ever read ! "Clay Christensen,Harvard Business school, innovation guruTed CoinéKeynote speaker bringing startup mojo to large enterprises - before it’s too late! CMO of Meddle.it. Global pioneer in the Social CEO and Social C-suite. Author, "A World Gone Social: How Companies Must Adapt to Survive."""At last we have a survival guide for the social age ''Adam GrantAuthor, Give & take, New York TimesBest selling author on A world gone social.Charlene LiTrailblazer and multi-award winning, NY Times Best selling authorRegarded as one of the most influential women in technology and a trend spotter ahead of her times. . Disruptive business and social media thought leaderErica Ariel FoxLinkedin influencer, Harvard Professor,NY Times best selling authorErica Fox is an innovator in integrating transformational work with practical approaches to leadership. Her book is a new approach that will make a difference at both work and home alike.”Deepak Chopra,Acclaimed speaker and author of theSoul of leadership-Herminia IbarraCora Chair professor at INSEAD,Globally acclaimed thought leaderInspiring leaders to embrace their authenticity through action not just wordsChairs the Visiting Committee of the Harvard Business School. Thinkers50 ranked Ibarra #9 among the most influential business gurus in the world.James Altucher11 books, 20 companies and 10 million blog readers. He is not afraid to tell it like it is. Linkedin influencer. His book Choose yourself was celebrated as one of the 12 best business book of all times by USA today.James Altucher is scary smart –Stephen Dubner,author of FreakonomicsTim LeberechtBusiness Romantic, Author, speakerThe Business Romantic is a wonderfully unusual business book that reminds us of the critical importance of reconnecting our economies with our emotional and spiritual needs.KLAUS SCHWAB Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic ForumAlexa ClayCo-Author of the Mis-fit economy, one of the most awaited books of 2015. What can HR learn from Somali Pirates, and businesses from underworld mafia chiefs ? Come find out this cutting edge perspective on innovation and leadingA brilliant and engaging storyteller, she takes you inside the hearts and minds of the innovators working on the fringes, inspiring us to rethink our assumptions about what's next.Peter Sims. Author of Little BetsNavi RadjouThe Economist calls his book Jugaad Innovation “the most comprehensive book yet to appear on the subject” of frugal innovation. Navi is also coauthor of From Smart to Wise, and Frugal Innovation (2015). A TED speaker and winner of the Thinkers 50 Innovation award Navi's ideas are a must for future thinking leaders.We can all benefit from the self-reflection that- From Smart to Wise encourages.
— Indra K. Nooyi, chairman and CEO, PepsiCo, Inc.Nilofer MerchantThinkers 50 awarded her "Future Thinker" award in recognition of her innovative ideas. CNBC has called her Visionary. She has for good reason earned the moniker of being the ''Jane Bond'' of Innovation. Author of the 11 rules for creating value in the social era she is also a TED speaker“Pay attention to Nilofer Merchant. Or risk obsolescence.” —Dave Gray, Senior Vice President,Dachis GroupJon AcuffJon Acuff is the New York Times Bestselling author of five books including Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job & Your Dream Job and Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters. including his most recent book, Do Over.Do over is the best career book ever writtenSeth GodinWhitney JohnsonAuthor, Speaker, Linkedin Influencer are just a few ways of describing the work of Whitney Johnson. She has been listed in the Fortune 55 most influential women on Twitter as well as been a finalist for Thinker's 50. Her latest book Disrupt yourself follows her previous one Dare. Dream. Do. Her work has been featured on CNN, Harvard Business Review, Fast company and more.The dramatic ‘jumps’ that Johnson encourages us to take truly form the basis of creativity and success.Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder Apple IncDr.Tanvi GautamHost of the leadershift seriesFound leadershift Inc.Host of Asia's first trending twitter chat for leaders.Business school faculty.When most ask why,I tend to ask why not ?Game changer award (Workforce magazine 2014),Change leaders of tomorrow(Asia thought leadership conference, 2014), Top 10 HR influencers on social media (SHRM, India, 2015)Dorie ClarkA frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, TIME, Entrepreneur, and the World Economic Forum blog. Recognized as a “branding expert” by the Associated Press, Fortune, and Inc. magazine, she is the author of Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future and Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It,She is an Adjunct Professor of Business Administration at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business and a Visiting Professor for IE Business School in Madrid.“Insightful and practical, Reinventing You is a modern-day guide to self-discovery in pursuit of career satisfaction and successAmy EdmondsonHarvard Business School Professor & acclaimed author - WITH GLOBAL EXPERTS AS SEEN ON
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