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If 2020 was a product then "you are on mute" would be one of its taglines! The number of times...
A small but powerful fix ! Be seen, heard and understood differently by your peers, clients and...
Every once in a while, and more often that I plan, I find myself at industry conferences,...
The workforce of the future will operate in a dynamic and complex environment which demands...
A few decades ago, two shoe salesmen went to Africa and landed in a remote village. Everyone in...
Last month at the Human Capital Summit in Singapore, I was chairing a diversity and inclusion...
I find it interesting how every year the conversation on the prediction of job growth is followed...
I was quoted recently in the Harvard Business Review in a piece on managing social media...
As kids we have all indulged in listening to legends, folklore and bedtime stories. We have even...
“@abhijitbhaduri, @anand__pillai @gautamghosh @ester_matters I am thinking of starting a HR...
"So can you share with the audience, "what do you use twitter for ?" asked my host at the Twitter...
Everyone is keen to understand how to have more influence. And why not ? After all the age of...
11 mai 2018 ·
To all you women you think you don't have a choice, it is really us men who don't have a choice....